Practical Art Club Membership
New: Free Online Gift Offer with any purchase of $50 or more:
As a Practical Art Club member, you will receive a Free Gift every time when you make any online purchase of $50* or more.
*before taxes and shipping.
Choose from one of our four featured products when checking out your order - It's that simple! On the checkout page - just enter your choice of Free Product in the field where it says "Add a note to your order, and to receive your FREE GIFT". Your Free Product will be added to your regular $50* or more order - Free of Charge.
Sample Checkout page:
Special Membership Discounts: Also by becoming a member, we will be emailing special discount codes that you may use on our website that can be applied to any purchase.
Show Tickets: Throughout the year, Practical Art attends many Arts and Craft shows across Canada. We do acquire many complimentary FREE tickets to these shows and we would like to give them to you. We will notify you by email that we have these tickets and will give them away to the first people who reply, either by emailing us at or by replying to our Facebook post at
Special Monthly Contest: For just signing up and becoming a Practical Art Club Member, you will automatically be entered into our monthly contest. At the end of every month, we will randomly choose a member and award them a special prize.
Good Luck!